ABM Newsletter - (07-12-2016)

ABM Newsletter

InformationLetter Academyof Breastfeeding Medicine Europe/Middle East
To all members and friends of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine in Europe and the Middle East:
Thank you for your membership in the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, whether new or continued, and/or for your interest in the activities of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. We are proud to be a global organisation, with many members in Europe and the Middle East.
This 3rd Information Letter will update you on the activities of the Academy in Europe and the Middle East, and to share with you some information that may be of interest to you.
New Structure and Regional Coordinators
We are very happy to see that our membership numbers are growing. That also means that, for organizational purposes, the Academy has chosen to separate the regions of Europe and the Middle East. The new Regional Network Coordinator for the Middle East will be Dr. Amal El Taweel from Egypt. She will take contact with the members in this region. Her email is: I will continue to be the Regional Network Coordinator for Europe. But of course, since our regions are very much connected, you will still be informed about conferences in both regions.
Membership Renewal
The ABM 2017 Membership form online has now been updated, please click on link: In the USA it is necessary to renew your membership every year – it will not be automatically renewed. If you have problems with your renewal please feel free to contact our office ( or your Regional Network Coordinator.
Next year we will have one breastfeeding conference in Europe with presence of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. This conference will take place in Berlin, on September 29th (afternoon) and September 30th (morning), sponsored by the German Lactation Center (Ausbildungszentrum für Laktation und Stillen) at the Freie Universitat Berlin.
September 29th will feature Dr. Jane Morton (USA) with lectures on “Maximizing Milk Supply with Early Hand Expression and Hands-on Pumping”, and on “First Touch, First Food, First Hour… In A Mother’s Hands”, as well as  Dr. Robert Lawrence (USA) with a lecture on “Maternal Infections and Breastfeeding”. At the end of the afternoon we will have a “meet the experts” meeting with both of them and we will discuss some clinical issues, for instance breastfeeding a child with cancer.  The evening of Friday, September 29th we will have dinner and a relaxed evening together in Berlin.
September 30th will feature Dr. Gill Rapley (UK) with a lecture on “Baby-Led Weaning”, Dr. Darcia Narvaéz (USA) on “Wellbeing and Moral Development”, Judita Dovydenaite and Ieva Sidaraviciute (Lithuania) with a lecture on “Breastfeeding Support in the NICU” and Dr. Eva Nissen (Sweden, not yet confirmed) on “Instinctive Behaviour of the Newborn”.
You can find preliminary information (in German) under More details will follow in English.
From the Region:
The World Breastfeeding Week and 25 years of BFHI was celebrated big in Croatia and Slovenia. Symposia were organised by our members Dr. Irena Zakarija-Grkovic (Croatia) and Dr. Andreja Tekauc-Golob (Slovenia). Dr. Adriano Cattaneo (Italy) and I had the privilege of being invited speakers.

If you are organising or have the opportunity to learn of events that could be interesting for members in other countries, please share them with us!
From the literature:
Rafael Pérez-Escamilla and Victoria Hall Moran, Editorial: Scaling up breastfeeding programmes in a complex adaptive world. Maternal & Child Nutrition (2016), 12, pp. 375–380.
Rosin SI, Zakarija-Grkovic I: Towards integrated care in breastfeeding support: a cross-sectional survey of practitioners’perspectives.  Int BF Journal 2016, 11:15.  
You can share more interesting articles with me for the next newsletter. You can also contact me with questions or suggestions about this newsletter or your membership in the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. I thank Dr. Amy Evans and Dr. Michal Mansovsky for editing this letter. I hope to have contact with many of you in the coming months. And for all who celebrate this month: I wish you happy holidays.
With the best regards,
Elien Rouw
Elien Rouw, MD, FABM

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