Despre Asociatia ProMAMA

Asociatia ProMAMA Center  este membru al Asociatiei Europene al Consultantilor de Lactatie,  ELACTA si este partener ILCA



MISIUNEA Asociaţiei ProMAMA, institut si centru de lactatie, este acela de a promova şi susţine importanţa educaţiei perinatale şi, implicit, importanţa alăptării pentru mamă, copil, familie şi întreaga societate, în vederea unei informări cât mai corecte a acestora, astfel încât tânara familie să fie capabilă să adopte cele mai bune şi corecte decizii care să le asigure atat lor, cât şi copiilor pe care îi vor naşte o dezvoltare armonioasă.

OBIECTIVELE Asociaţiei ProMAMA sunt:
1.      Formarea de personal specializat în alăptare,personal ce lucrează în sistemul sanitar şi în alte domenii, în vederea susţinerii şi promovării alăptării şi promovarea profesiei de Consultant în Lactaţie în Romania.
2.     Informarea, educarea, sustinerea si incurajarea mamelor în alăptare in cadrul Grupului de Sprijin in Alaptare.
3.      Conştieintizarea opiniei publice şi a autorităţilor asupra importanţei alimentaţiei naturale ca mijloc de promovare a sănătăţii fizice şi mentale a populaţiei şi în prevenirea îmbolnăvirilor conform indicatiilor forurilor europene de sănătate.
4.      Informarea şi educarea gravidei/cuplului pentru creşterea gradului de responsabilitate în asumarea rolului de viitor parinte.
5.      Susţinerea şi promovarea neseparării mamei de copil în perioada de după naştere pentru a crea condiţiile necesare unei alăptari exclusive de succes.
6.      Promovarea dreptului gravidei pentru libertatea de decizie în ceea ce priveşte intervenţiile medicale de rutină din timpul travaliului şi a naşterii, precum şi a dreptului de a alăpta printr-o cât mai bună informare a acesteia încă din perioada prenatală.
7.      Elaborarea şi derularea unor programe de cercetare cu rolul de a evidenţia impactul factorilor care influenţează comportamentul părinţilor şi în special al mamei asupra dezvoltării prenatale a fătului, nou-născutului şi  copilului în primii ani de viaţă.
8.      Educarea tinerei generaţii (viitoare mame) în ceea ce priveşte alăptarea.


ProMAMA Center Association
Research, Education and Breastfeeding Center
Legal Form:
ProMAMA Center Association is a Romanian independent, non-profit legal entity, working in
partnership with independent professionals and organizations.
The association is established and operates under the Romanian Law.
About Us:
ProMAMA Association is supporting the significance of prenatal education, particularly by
promoting the importance of breastfeeding for the mother, the children, the family and society
in general, by providing the necessary information so that new families are fully capable to take
the proper decisions that will assure an harmonious development for themselves and the babies
to be born.
Our Main Goals Are:
1. Preparing and establishing a group of specialists in breastfeeding: people who work in the
health department and similar, relative fields, in order to support and promote breastfeeding as
well as the permanent establishment of a Lactation Consultant profession in Romania.
2. Founding a support group that will inform, educate, support and encourage mothers
towards breastfeeding and give future Lactation Consultants the opportunity to observe, study
and practice their newly acquired knowledge.
ProMAMA Center Association
Research, Education and Breastfeeding Center
3. Make public opinion and the authorities aware of the importance of natural feeding, as a
way to promote physical and mental health and prevent diseases, in accordance to the
indications of specialized European Health forums.
4. Informing and educating pregnant woman and couples of ways to adopt a healthy behavior
towards the pregnancy hygiene, be sure of the optimum conditions for physical and
psychological development of the fetus and the baby and increase their responsibility level in
assuming the roles of future parents.
5. Supporting and promoting after birth non-separation between the mother and the
newborn in order to create the necessary conditions of a successful and exclusive
6. Supporting and promoting pregnant women's right to freely choose the medical
procedures and interventions during the labor and birth as well as breastfeeding, by providing
the required information during the prenatal period.
7. The development and implementation of research for underlining the impact of the
factors which influence parents and mostly the mother’s behavior towards the prenatal
development of the fetus, the newborn and the child during the first years of life.
8. Educating the young generation of future mothers about breastfeeding.

ProMAMA ASSOCIATION is a nonprofit
 Breastfeeding education, research and
counseling center


PILOT Center for Education in Lactation:

– the first and single  romanian organization that offers
courses for the IBLCE exam, LEEARC
approved (onsite and online);
–       offering continuing education for IBCLC’s ;


Research in the field of lactation
– the results of the research has been
communicated at several conferences
and in scientific articles.


BreastfeedingCounceling Center:
– Pre‐natal breastfeeding courses;
– Breastfeeding Consulting & Counseling support.

ELACTA member and ILCA partener.
Organizing breastfeeding conferences,
symposiums, congresses, seminars and exhibitions:



--Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine 5th European Meeting for Physicians Bucharest, 2014, watch Conference video advertising HERE
- conferences with Dr. Jack Newman
- conference with Catherine Watson Genna
- conference with dr. Carlos Gonzales
- special evants for soon-to-be parents and breastfeeding mothers

Coordinating various breastfeeding
projects, collaborating with relevant
organizations, as Healthy Children
Institute and World Vision Romania.

- For the implementation in maternities
of the Project "Skin‐to‐Skin in the First
Hour After Birth". Heathy Children & ProMAMA Center

- Breastfeeding project in some romanian

 Launched diffrent materials for ‐to‐be
mothers and mothers:

- the DVD "BREASTFEEDING – The Miracle
of Nature for the Mother and Her Baby",
distributed free to pregnant to mothers
- the Book “Guide for soon‐to‐be parents”.    
Supported the publishing of

- “Dr. Jack NEWMAN’s Guide of

- “Mama’s Milk” in Romanian.


About ProMAMA Center Association watch the video